Join us for the 2022 Restoration Family Reunion!
"He Has Prepared the Way"
Daily Themes:
Sunday: "He Has Prepared the Way" (1Ne 1:65 & 2:101, Alma 17:82)
Monday: "How Can we Know the Way?" (John 14:5)
Tuesday: "The Way, The Truth, & The Life" (John 14:6)
Wednesday: "Keep My Commandments" (1Ne 5:78)
Thursday: "Steadfastness in Christ" (2Ne 13:29)
Friday: "Come Unto Christ" (Omni 1:46-47)
Saturday: "This is the Way...The Kingdom of God (2Ne 13:31-32)
July 30 - August 6
If you are going to be attending this year's reunion, please make note of the information on this page!
Campground Entrances
The campground has 2 entrances. The first entrance is the east, and the second is the west.
Attendees bringing RVs, fifth wheelers, and campers will need to use the east entrance. Stay right at the fork just inside the entrance.
Registration will take place in the dining hall.
Dining Hall
The dining hall is located on the west side of camp (the second entrance) and has air conditioning.
Golf Carts
There are 2 golf carts on-site for individuals who need assistance getting around the facility.
The cabins are equipped with 4 sets of bunk beds for a total of 8 beds each. They have electricity and are air conditioned, but are not dehumidified. You may choose to bring a dehumidifier if you wish. The mattresses are quite firm. Some people like to bring an air mattress. There are no sinks or toilets in the cabins, so some people choose to bring a commode. It's a good idea to bring a small table and water cooler so you have a place to keep things cool and clean. The floors are cement, so mats and small rugs are a good idea if you do not like concrete floors. Cabins 1-8 are on the west side of camp, and Cabins 9+ are on the east side of camp.
The grounds have 3 main men's and women’s bathhouses. One bathhouse is located on the east side of camp next to the RV hookups, the second is on the west side of camp next to the dining hall, and the third is next to the pool. They have all have showers, toilets, sinks, mirrors, and electrical outlets.
The handicap-accessible restroom/shower is located on the west side of camp in between the men’s and women’s bathhouses.
There are porta-potties throughout the grounds.
Swimming Pool
The campground recently had a new swimming pool installed! It is on the west side of the campground.
This is an outdoor, covered facility located on the east side of camp. Bug spray and hand-held fans area a good idea for comfort.
Youth Chapel
This is located on the east side of camp, just east of the tabernacle.
Water Stations
These are located throughout the camp. Bring your drinking containers so you can fill up!
Please read the Reunion Rules before coming to reunion. CLICK HERE to read them.